1. introduction
  2. basics
  3. commands
  4. search
  5. visual mode
  6. configuration
  7. commandline commands
  8. macros
  9. marks and registers
  10. optional plugins


Vrapper uses search functionality offered by Eclipse to do the actual search. You can use /keyword or ?keyword to search for a keyword. n jumps to the next match while N jumps to the previous match.

You may also specify search offsets as known from Vim. For example, /keyword/e-2 searches for the keyword and then jumps to the o of the match. If the keyword is omitted, like //b+2, the last keyword is used and only the offset of the search changes.

Case sensitivity can be controlled via the options ignorecase and smartcase. Or, you can temporarily override those options by putting \c or \C anywhere in your search string. \c forces case insensitive for this search, \C forces case sensitive for this search.

* and # commands are also available. These search for an exact match of the word under the cursor.

All search commands (n, N, *, #, /, ?) can be used like motions, i. e. combined with counts and operators.

And Replace

Vrapper supports a couple special cases when performing a search and replace (:s/foo/bar/). These should all align with the equivalent Vim behavior.

:s/foo/bar/ will perform a replace on the current line. You can also use line ranges (:2,5s/foo/bar/) or :%s/foo/bar/ to replace within the entire file.

Whatever character appears after the :s will be used as the delimiter. For example, :s/foo/bar/g and :s_foo_bar_g.

In the replace string, \r will be interpreted as a (platform-independent) newline. Using \n in the replace string will result in the cariage return (0x0D) character being inserted literally. This means it may work fine on files with Unix line endings but if you have Windows line endings \n will cause problems.

If the replace string exactly matches \=@<char> then the contents of register <char> will be used for the replacement. For example, :s/foo/\=@x/ will replace 'foo' with the contents of register x.

The following flags are supported after the replace string:
c (confirm), g (global), i (insensitive case), I (sensitive case), n (count matches)