1. introduction
  2. basics
  3. commands
  4. search
  5. visual mode
  6. configuration
  7. commandline commands
  8. macros
  9. marks and registers
  10. optional plugins

Marks and Registers


Any position in the text may be marked using m<x> where <x> is a character from a-z. You can jump to a mark with `x and to the begin of the line where the mark is set with 'x. Lowercase marks are local to the editor in which they are set.

Uppercase marks (A-Z) and marks 0-9 mark positions in a specific file and are defined globally.

There are a couple special marks which are automatically updated:

Position of last jump
.Position of last change
^Position of last insert
[First character of previously changed text
]Last character of previously changed text
<First character of previous visual mode selection
>Last character of previous visual mode selection

All marks are motions and can be combined with operators.


Vrapper also supports some registers for storing text and operations. Please refer to Vim documentation for their use (see :help registers in Vim)

"a-"zNamed registers
"0-"9Yank/Delete registers
"-Small Delete register
""Unnamed register
Clipboard register
".Last Insert register
"/Last Search register
"_Blackhole register
":Last Command line register